Renaissance of the Culture

A Cultural Resurgence: Beats, Beds & Browns Founder, Joe Skibbie is excited to attend the “Renaissance of the Culture” Concert in Chicago on February 10 th at Subterranean 2011 W
North Ave, Chicago IL 60647. This transformative event promises to be an unforgettable celebration of diversity, creativity, and the vibrant cultural movement occurring currently in

The “Renaissance of the Culture” concert is more than just a musical experience; it’s a celebration of the Hip Hop arts. Hosted by Shabazza and Thought Poet, the event features live
performances by some of Chicago’s most talented musicians, emcees, and artists. DJ’s Shon Roka and VES120 will be on the 1’s and 2’s. Beats sets, performances and DJ sets are on deck to continue the new wave of talent flooding the city.

Key Highlights of the Event

Performances by:
The Gr8 Thinkaz, Freddie Old Soul & Step Child, Defcee, IAMGAWD, Vic Spencer, A.M. Early MorningSweet Juices, Rufus Sims, Panamera P, Ju Jilla, Tyre Hakim and WateRR, and many more.

Beat Sets by:
Rashid Hadee, Doc Da Mind Benda, Ill Brown, Open Session

    1. Diverse Musical Lineup: Experience the rich sounds of Chicago’s diverse music scene with a lineup that spans genres and cultures.

    2. Immersive Visual Displays: Witness the convergence of music and visual arts with captivating displays designed to enhance the concert experience.

    3. Community Engagement: The “Renaissance of the Culture” concert is not just a show; it’s a community celebration. Engage with local organizations, connect with fellow attendees, and contribute to the collective spirit of unity that defines Chicago.

    Joe Skibbie of Beats, Beds & Browns expressed excitement about attending the event, stating, “Chicago is a city with a rich cultural heritage, and the ‘Renaissance of the Culture’ concert is a way of celebrating and elevating the diverse voices that make our city so unique. Join the new wave on February 10th for an unforgettable evening of music, art, and community.”

    The “Renaissance of the Culture” concert will be held at Subterranean in Chicago on February 10, 2024. Tickets are available for purchase on site for only $5.

    Beats, Beds & Browns is an Ag Advocacy Brand focused on educating people on how to eat healthy, sustainably, and inexpensively. You can listen to our thoughts via our video podcast on Youtube and/or your streaming venue of choice. Follow our progress on your social media of choice at #100kin10yrs or directly via @beatsbedsbrowns 

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