Raised Bed Gardening 2022

Spring Garden Update 2022

We’ve been trying our hand at live streaming on Facebook @beatsbedsbrowns on the weekends. Our seed went into pots under grow lights in early April. They never grow very fast in the cold barn under our red green LED’s. We would’ve put them outside before May 18th, but it seemed to be raining every weekend and we’ve been terribly busy.

Knowing that, we’re happy to have our corn, green beans, cucumbers, acorn squash and mustard greens in bed #2. In bed #1, we have rutabaga, red beets, golden beets and parsnips. Mixed in both beds is a tremendous amount of tomatoes (Florentina) that have volunteered from last year. Our hope is to remove them into small pots for sale at upcoming Farmer’s Markets. We’re meeting soon with the Lake County Community Foundation to discuss our attendance at upcoming events to share our story and some plants. We hope to be out and on display in early July.

New to the land this season is a number of native plants we planted from a recent plant sale. We purchased Cardinal Flower, Bishops Cap, Queen of the Prairie, Rattlesnake Master, Fern, Indian Pink, Blue Grass, and more. 

We also purchased two Serviceberry trees, a Hazelnut tree, and a Nannyberry tree.

We will try to exclusively water these plants through rain, pond water, and the rain barrels we installed at the end of last year.

We’re documenting the clearing of the garden, planting of seeds, and using the weeds that have grown this spring as a weed barrier. We’ll see how that goes.

If there are questions you have about the spring growing season, please ask us on your social media of choice @beatsbedsbrowns on FB, IG, Twitter, and YouTube.


Spring has Sprung


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